Judith Deverell

                                                  Writer / poet / artist / shipwrecked sailor / writes and draws from connection in spirit to the fathomless wells of inspiration that arise out of a lifetime of adventure; her gifted writings and calligraphic art are filled with the beautiful ‘upside down’ wisdom that she has learned through entering and exploring the further dimensions of life in her suffering and faith and brokenness. All who stumblingly choose the way of love find themselves to the world mostly back-to-front, their being curiously wired the wrong way around, and Judith Deverell shares with us through her poetic writing / art / short stories / autobiographies / novel / the life-giving wisdom that can come in no other way than by surrender through love: ‘the light that shines in darkness’ the incomprehensible joy that connects!   

The Irrepressible Life

[An article featuring a new Mind Body Spirit literary fiction novel by New Zealand writer, Judith Deverell: ‘S K E T C H B O O K  O F  S O L I T U D E; LISTENING ART:’  ‘One man’s journey into the wealth that can be found in solitude: listening in time alone.’ ]

Pushed down, put under, ignoble, unseen; live out the wait:

the life that lives undone to remerge, the love, the force

that through you runs will rise again, irrepressible. 

A Clearing in a wilderness of solitude. Through to the quintessence and the thinness of the veil between worlds. The narrowing place. The work, the broadening of life. Desired. Deep calling unto deep. The longed-for lifting.

Comes rising in wildness the dark whispers of earth. Out of the silence a nearerland talking; a speaking, unspoken; but finding voice in solitude the air bearing skyward the lit hushlings of love.

Out of wings in the air the unwording of speech; falls on trees the lighted translation. The earth cannot understand her own sound; not till lifted shall she hear what she once knew. Finding without seeking the answer not sought.

In my time alone: a fire and a solace. I wait. The coals beneath the means of light and another sustenance being prepared. The first destroyed for life that life never die. Solitude, my companion and I am well sustained.



CLOUDS FOLLOW STARS in filmy coverings of flesh
Hope bringing his own content
To harbours steeped in everlasting peace

Whither fly the sparrows from your altars buried deep
Conflagrations of incense expand there
Following before to keep your faltering flight

Where will I find the sum of a sparrow lost?
Floating on strings that through love’s dust
Will change in pulling her along

Hushed the brave sleep and there fulfill their frail song
For then will they come to him and fall
Helped in each descending stair to rest in peace




We ran—we happy, freed captives—
Dancing with the Wind that carries us—
Running through the scalloped edges of the scarlet sea—
No lines to shore—
No sticky knowledge—
The old wine—gone—
Long gone—
And we, stripped and burned, new wineskins are–
Fashioned with the supple strength of eternal trust
Filled to overflowing with the wine of new life


Regular posts of the latest projects on the way. Sharing original artwork sketches and jotting down thoughts as they come.


Interviews and chats


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