A Flaming Sward


The Division of Soul & Spirit;



It is not its title that is

A Flaming Sword Which Turned Every Way

But its author;

And the Division of Soul and Spirit

His work;

And the Revelation

His testimony in me;

And the outcome:

The Unravelling of the End from the Beginning

Little Book; a Testimony

The Sun and the Moon unravelled their light

in the dark of the third day

from the womb of the morning

the Lamb and his bride in his love


clothed with the sun

the moon under her feet

the death of her own light

the light given her of God


how he shone upon her in her seasons

his revealing by her spinning

the earth his flesh between them

season by season


by increase or by decrease

his light of her by night  

by reason of his flesh between them

his times of light towards men


according to his flesh yet standing

the degree of their darkness

the life they lived

the light they received


his life his power his very fire

she ravelled and unravelled

a single thread of light

upon a silver spindle


undone shine more

wound in shine less

again and again until she was not

a new thing made  





by the internal sword

the word of God

and though

sheathed in a child

written in the sand

the unreadable book

read at your peril!

To read the Manuscript please contact judithdeverell@protonmail.com